General Mechanics:

  • Representative Voting: Implements a voting system analogous to the American House of Representatives, enabling representative voting processes within the game.

  • Legislative Voting: Introduces a legislative system for lawmaking. Players can propose laws with three voting options: Aye, Nay, and Abstain. The results are tallied at the end of the election.

  • Presidential Voting: Facilitates presidential elections based on popular vote count.

  • Food: Adds mechanics for hunger and thirst, incorporating customizable effects. Thirst impedes stamina regeneration, while starvation depletes health.

  • Radiation: Functions similarly to the radiation mechanics in Fallout 4/76, reducing health and replacing it with radiation levels.

  • Fallout Drugs: Introduces various buffs and debuffs that mimic the effects of drugs found in the Fallout series.

  • Mafia Drugs: Adds drug bricks requiring processing, with processed drugs providing specific effects.

  • EFT Injuries: Incorporates injuries such as broken legs and bleeding, alongside limb health management.

  • Languages: Allows players to learn and speak different languages. Comprehension is limited to known languages.

  • Tying - Dragging: Expands the tying mechanic to include dragging restrained players.

  • Tying - Extras: Introduces additional options for tying, including blindfolding and gagging, along with various quality-of-life improvements.

  • Looting: Enables looting across the map, with items categorized by rarity and probability.

  • Wiretaps: Adds wiretap devices for eavesdropping on conversations, featuring both a receiver and a listener component.

  • Crafting: Introduces an in-depth crafting system requiring multiple crafting tables and blueprints.

  • Bank Robbery: Adds a bank safe that can be robbed, with configurable settings such as minimum police presence and incremental money accumulation.

  • In-depth Armors: Allows for comprehensive customization of armor, affecting player model, movement speed, jump height, fall damage immunity, resistance percentages, radiation immunity, footstep sounds, and visual overlays.

  • Marketplace: Establishes a global marketplace for player transactions.

  • Lockpicking: Introduces lockpicks to open locked doors.

  • Phone: Adds mobile phones for direct messaging, simulating SMS communication.

  • Telephone: Adds payphones for making calls to other players.

  • Cellphone: Adds mobile phones that make calls and send messages to other players.

  • Radio: Introduces radios with configurable frequencies for communication via text or voice.

  • Jukeboxes: Provides jukeboxes that play music from a web server.

  • Typewriter: Adds a typewriter for creating items that link to Google Docs.

  • Fishing: Introduces fishing with configurable rarity settings.

  • Woodcutting: Adds woodcutting with configurable rarity settings.

  • Mining: Implements mining with configurable rarity settings.

  • Store Robbery: Allows players to rob stores for items.

  • Forward Operating Bases: Introduces a FOB mechanic for setting up outposts where faction members can spawn.

  • Safebox: Adds an ender-chest-like stash system.

  • Newspapers: Adds readable newspapers that can be written by a dedicated newspaper faction.

  • Oil: Introduces mechanics for extracting and selling oil.

  • Revive System: Implements a system where players are downed until they bleed out upon death.

  • Vending Machines: Adds vending machines that sell specific items.

  • Broadcast Radio: Introduces a radio system for broadcasting voice and music.

  • Vinyl Disk Player: Adds a vinyl player for playing records.

  • Car Radios: Integrates radios into cars for in-vehicle music playback.

  • Chess: Adds a playable chess game.

  • Permits: Restricts certain items from being bought without the proper permits, which can be tied to factions or classes.

  • Convertibles: Adds entities that can be converted into items and retrieved later.

  • Medical System: Introduces a detailed medical system with various health management features.

  • Clock: Adds a clock that displays the time, synchronized with Stormfox2 time.

  • Stables: Adds a horse ownership system, allowing players to spawn and ride horses.

  • Magazines: Implements a system where ammo is tied to magazine items, which feed the guns.

  • Perks: Introduces a configurable perks system, with perks locked behind conditions such as faction membership, level, or custom requirements.

  • Car Bomber: Adds a car bomb feature, causing cars to explode after a set time.

  • Factories: Implements a factory system that dynamically spawns items.

  • VATS: Adds the VATS targeting system from Fallout.

  • Gacha Bags: Introduces a gambling system similar to Gacha.

  • Airdrops: Adds passive airdrop events with items.

  • Turf Wars: Introduces an area capture system that rewards items or money.

  • Animal Butchering: Adds a system for butchering animals and looting their carcasses.

  • Keycards: Implements a keycard system for opening doors.

  • Clearance Levels: Adds clearance levels to certain doors.

  • Sanity: Adds a sanity system that implements hallucinations.

  • Organs: Adds organs that are randomly defined during character creation. These have various drawbacks and bonuses depending on their quality.

  • Attribute Rolling: Adds attribute rolling with multipliers.

  • Attribute Fog: Adds a Fog that renders in the distance, based on how much perception you have.

  • Cinematic Text: Adds cinematic text similar to this.

  • Attribute Based Damage: Adds a configurable variable that can influence damage (e.g., melee damage influenced by strength).

  • Durability: Adds a durability variable to weapons.

  • Anims: Adds the following animations: Attention, Timed Salute, At Ease, Cross Arms, Salute, Surrender.

  • Animation Wheel: Adds a wheel that allows you to play some whitelisted animations.

  • Squads: Adds a squad system, similar to a party system from an RPG.

  • Bonemerge System: Adds a bonemerge system that allows different clothes to be worn on different parts of the body.

  • Reputation System: All NPCs attached to a faction are neutral unless the player displays allegiance to an enemy by wearing their clothes or personally becoming their enemy.

  • Karma System: Adds a system that assigns a Karma Level based on your actions.

  • Medals: Adds medals that display above your head.

  • Faction Menu: Adds a menu for kicking characters out of factions and inviting players.

  • Map: Adds a top-view map of the game world.

  • Serial Numbers: Adds serial numbers to items that can be checked by police.

  • EFT Corpses: Makes your corpse lootable when you die.

  • Transformative Items: Adds items that can transform you into certain creatures.

  • Organizations: Adds a group creation system, similar to guilds.

  • Clothing Status: Adds a system where clothing gets dirty over time and requires maintenance.

  • Raiding System: Adds a raiding and ambushing system designed for faction confrontations.

  • Police Lockers: Adds police lockers that provide temporary guns for police officers to use while on duty.

  • TV System: Allows players to watch broadcasted content from other players.

  • Leveling: Adds a configurable leveling system, currently increasing health but adaptable for other enhancements.

  • Ranking System: Adds various ranks that show on the scoreboard. These are tied to factions and can include stat changes, custom models, custom weapons, and more.

  • Syringes: Adds Syringes that can be used to provide effects.

  • Social Credit System: A ranking system that rewards players with points based on their playtime, completing tasks, or receiving points as rewards from admins. Accumulated points can be used to unlock in-game rewards, enhancing player engagement and providing incentives for positive behavior and participation.

  • Prop Based Construction: A construction system inspired by Rust, where players use items to build structures instead of relying on a traditional spawn menu. Items can be placed directly on the ground, creating a more immersive and interactive building experience.

  • Scenarios: This feature introduces various configurable scenarios that are automatically activated when the server starts. Each scenario alters gameplay in unique ways, providing fresh and dynamic experiences every time the server is launched, keeping gameplay exciting and unpredictable.

  • Farming: Introduces farmable items that players can plant and grow over time. These items yield various farm products when harvested, adding an agricultural element to the game where players can cultivate resources-