Helper library for reading/writing files to the data folder.


delete(key, global, ignoreMap)

Deletes the contents of a saved file in the data/lilia folder.


  • key String

    Name of the file to delete

  • global Boolean default: false

    Whether or not the data is in the data/lilia folder, or the data/lilia/schema folder, where schema is the name of the current schema.

  • ignoreMap Boolean default: false

    Whether or not to ignore the map and delete from the schema folder, rather than data/lilia/schema/map, where map is the name of the current map.


  • bool

    Whether or not the deletion has succeeded

get(key, default, global, ignoreMap, refresh)

Retrieves the contents of a saved file in the data/lilia folder.


  • key String

    Name of the file to load

  • default

    Value to return if the file could not be loaded successfully

  • global Boolean default: false

    Whether or not the data is in the data/lilia folder, or the data/lilia/schema folder, where schema is the name of the current schema.

  • ignoreMap Boolean default: false

    Whether or not to ignore the map and load from the schema folder, rather than data/lilia/schema/map, where map is the name of the current map.

  • refresh Boolean default: false

    Whether or not to skip the cache and forcefully load from disk.


  • any

    Value associated with the key, or the default that was given if it doesn't exist

set(key, value, global, ignoreMap)

Populates a file in the data/lilia folder with some serialized data.


  • key String

    Name of the file to save

  • value

    Some sort of data to save

  • global Boolean default: false

    Whether or not to write directly to the data/lilia folder, or the data/lilia/schema folder, where schema is the name of the current schema.

  • ignoreMap Boolean default: false

    Whether or not to ignore the map and save in the schema folder, rather than data/lilia/schema/map, where map is the name of the current map.


  • string

    The path where the file is saved