Chat manipulation and helper functions.

Chat messages are a core part of the framework - it's takes up a good chunk of the gameplay, and is also used to interact with the framework. Chat messages can have types or "classes" that describe how the message should be interpreted. All chat messages will have some type of class: ic for regular in-character speech, me for actions, ooc for out-of-character, etc. These chat classes can affect how the message is displayed in each player's chatbox. See to create your own chat classes.


parse(client, message, noSend)


This is an internal function! You are able to use it, but you risk unintended side effects if used incorrectly.

Identifies which chat mode should be used.


  • client Player

    Player who is speaking

  • message String

    Message to parse

  • noSend Boolean default: false

    Whether or not to send the chat message after parsing


  • string

    Name of the chat type

  • string

    Message that was parsed

  • bool

    Whether or not the speaker should be anonymous

send(speaker, chatType, text, anonymous, receivers)

Sends a chat message from a speaker to specified receivers, based on the provided chat type and text. The message is processed according to the properties and functions defined for the chat class.


  • speaker Entity

    sending the message

  • chatType String

    Type of the chat message

  • text String

    The message content

  • anonymous Boolean default: false

    Whether the message should be sent anonymously

  • receivers table optional

    List of entities to receive the message (if specified)


Generates a timestamp string for chat messages.


  • ooc Boolean

    Whether the message is Out of Character (OOC).


  • any

    string The formatted timestamp string, including date and time if configured to show.



List of all chat classes that have been registered by the framework, where each key is the name of the chat class, and value is the chat class data. Accessing a chat class's data is useful for when you want to copy some functionality or properties to use in your own. Note that if you're accessing this table, you should do so inside of the InitializedChatClasses hook.

Example Usage

 > "%s says \"%s\""