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Global Item Functions

Below is a comprehensive list of global functions and properties used to define items. Each function/property is detailed with its purpose, type, and examples to guide you in creating and managing items effectively.

Function/Property Purpose Type Example Sets the name of the item. String = "Radio Antenna"
ITEM.model Specifies the 3D model used for the item. String ITEM.model = "models/props_lab/antenna.mdl"
ITEM.desc Provides a short description of the item. String ITEM.desc = "A deployable radio antenna."
ITEM.category Groups the item into a specific category. String ITEM.category = "Electronics"
ITEM.width & ITEM.height Define the size of the item in the inventory grid. Number ITEM.width = 2, ITEM.height = 1
ITEM.price Sets the item's price for trading or selling. Number ITEM.price = 100
ITEM.VManipDisabled Disables VManip grabbing functionality for the item. Boolean ITEM.VManipDisabled = true
ITEM.uniqueID Overrides the default unique ID, usually derived from the file name. String ITEM.uniqueID = "custom_unique_id"
ITEM.SteamIDWhitelist Specifies a whitelist of Steam IDs allowed to interact with the item in vendors. Table ITEM.SteamIDWhitelist = {"STEAM_0:1:12345678"}
ITEM.FactionWhitelist Specifies a whitelist of factions allowed to interact with the item in vendors. Table ITEM.FactionWhitelist = {FACTION_CITIZEN, FACTION_POLICE}
ITEM.UsergroupWhitelist Specifies a whitelist of user groups allowed to interact with the item in vendors. Table ITEM.UsergroupWhitelist = {"admin", "moderator"}
ITEM.VIPWhitelist Specifies whether the item is restricted to VIP players. Boolean ITEM.VIPWhitelist = true
ITEM.rarity Specifies the rarity level of the item, determining its color in vendor displays. String ITEM.rarity = "Legendary"
ITEM.RequiredSkillLevels Specifies the required skill levels to use the item. Table ITEM.RequiredSkillLevels = {Survival = 5}
ITEM.flag Specifies the necessary flag to buy an item. String ITEM.flag = "Y"
ITEM.DropOnDeath Deletes the item upon the player's death. Boolean ITEM.DropOnDeath = true

Item Examples

Below are various item types with corresponding Lua examples and explanations to illustrate how to utilize the global item functions effectively.

1. Baseless Item Example

A simple item without additional functionalities. = "Example Item"
ITEM.desc = "A example item!"
ITEM.model = "models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl"


  • Sets the name of the item.

  • ITEM.desc: Provides a short description.

  • ITEM.model: Specifies the 3D model for the item.

2. Aid Item Example

An item that provides health restoration. = "Bandages"
ITEM.desc = "Gives you 50 HP."
ITEM.model = "models/weapons/w_package.mdl"
ITEM.width = 1
ITEM.height = 1 = 50


  • Name of the aid item.

  • ITEM.desc: Description indicating the health restored.

  • ITEM.model: 3D model representing the item.

  • ITEM.width & ITEM.height: Size in the inventory grid.

  • Amount of health restored when used.

3. Ammo Example

Defines ammunition for a specific weapon. = ".357 Ammo"
ITEM.model = "models/items/357ammo.mdl"
ITEM.ammo = "357"
ITEM.ammoAmount = 12
ITEM.desc = "Contains 12 rounds of .357 Ammo"
ITEM.price = 10


  • Name of the ammo type.

  • ITEM.model: 3D model representing the ammo.

  • ITEM.ammo: Type of ammo compatible with weapons.

  • ITEM.ammoAmount: Number of ammo units per item.

  • ITEM.desc: Description detailing the ammo quantity.

  • ITEM.price: Cost for trading or selling.

4. Bag Example

A storage item that can hold other items. = "Small Bag"
ITEM.desc = "A small bag."
ITEM.model = "models/props_c17/suitcase001a.mdl"
ITEM.category = "Storage"
ITEM.isBag = true
ITEM.invWidth = 2
ITEM.invHeight = 2
ITEM.BagSound = {"physics/cardboard/cardboard_box_impact_soft2.wav", 50}
ITEM.pacData = {}


  • Name of the bag.

  • ITEM.desc: Description of the bag.

  • ITEM.model: 3D model representing the bag.

  • ITEM.category: Category grouping.

  • ITEM.isBag: Indicates it has storage functionality.

  • ITEM.invWidth & ITEM.invHeight: Size of the bag's internal inventory.

  • ITEM.BagSound: Sound played when interacting with the bag.

  • ITEM.pacData: PAC3 customization data.

5. Book Example

An item containing readable content. = "Example Book"
ITEM.desc = "An Example"
ITEM.model = "models/props_lab/binderblue.mdl"
ITEM.contents = [[
<h1>An Example</h1>
<h3>By Example</h3>


  • Name of the book.

  • ITEM.desc: Description of the book.

  • ITEM.model: 3D model representing the book.

  • ITEM.contents: HTML content displayed when reading the book.

6. Entities Example

An item that spawns a specific entity in the game world. = "Item Suit"
ITEM.desc = "An HL2 Item Suit"
ITEM.model = "models/props_c17/BriefCase001a.mdl"
ITEM.category = "Entities"
ITEM.entityid = "item_suit"


  • Name of the entity item.

  • ITEM.desc: Description of the entity.

  • ITEM.model: 3D model representing the entity item.

  • ITEM.category: Category grouping.

  • ITEM.entityid: The class name of the entity to spawn.

7. Clothing Example

An outfit that modifies player appearance and attributes. = "Combine Armor"
ITEM.desc = "Protects your insides from the outsides."
ITEM.model = "models/props_c17/BriefCase001a.mdl"
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.width = 2
ITEM.height = 2
ITEM.outfitCategory = "body"
ITEM.replacements = "models/player/combine_soldier.mdl"
ITEM.newSkin = 1
ITEM.armor = 50
ITEM.attribBoosts = {
    strength = 5,
    agility = 3
ITEM.RequiredSkillLevels = {
    strength = 10
ITEM.pacData = {
    [1] = {
        name = "combine_armor",
        model = "models/props_c17/BriefCase001a.mdl"


  • Name of the clothing item.

  • ITEM.desc: Description of the clothing.

  • ITEM.model: 3D model representing the clothing.

  • ITEM.category: Category grouping.

  • ITEM.width & ITEM.height: Size in the inventory grid.

  • ITEM.outfitCategory: Category of the outfit (e.g., "body").

  • ITEM.replacements: Player model or adjustments when equipped.

  • ITEM.newSkin: New skin index for the player's model.

  • ITEM.armor: Armor value provided by the outfit.

  • ITEM.attribBoosts: Attribute boosts granted when equipped.

  • ITEM.RequiredSkillLevels: Skill requirements to use the outfit.

  • ITEM.pacData: PAC3 customization data for visual effects.

8. Gun Example

An item representing a weapon that players can equip and use. = ".357 Revolver"
ITEM.desc = "A sidearm utilizing .357 Caliber ammunition."
ITEM.model = "models/weapons/w_357.mdl"
ITEM.class = "weapon_357"
ITEM.weaponCategory = "sidearm"
ITEM.width = 2
ITEM.height = 1
ITEM.equipSound = "items/ammo_pickup.wav"
ITEM.unequipSound = "items/ammo_pickup.wav"


  • Name of the gun.

  • ITEM.desc: Description of the gun.

  • ITEM.model: 3D model representing the gun.

  • ITEM.class: Weapon class identifier.

  • ITEM.weaponCategory: Category of the weapon (e.g., "sidearm").

  • ITEM.width & ITEM.height: Size in the inventory grid.

  • ITEM.equipSound: Sound played when the weapon is equipped.

  • ITEM.unequipSound: Sound played when the weapon is unequipped.