
Configuration for RealisticDamage Module.



This table defines the default settings for the RealisticDamage Module.


  • DrowningEnabled

    Indicates whether drowning is enabled | boolean

  • DamageScalerEnabled

    Indicates whether damage scaling is enabled | boolean

  • HurtSoundEnabled

    Indicates whether hurt sounds are enabled | boolean

  • DeathSoundEnabled

    Indicates whether death sounds are enabled | boolean

  • LimbDamage

    Damage multiplier for limb hits | number

  • DamageScale

    Global damage scale multiplier | number

  • HeadShotDamage

    Damage multiplier for headshots | number

  • DrownTime

    Time (in seconds) it takes for a character to drown | integer

  • DrownDamage

    Amount of damage dealt per second while drowning | integer

  • LimbHitgroups

    Hitgroups considered as limbs | table

  • MaleDeathSounds

    Sounds played when a male character dies | table

  • MaleHurtSounds

    Sounds played when a male character is hurt | table

  • FemaleDeathSounds

    Sounds played when a female character dies | table

  • FemaleHurtSounds

    Sounds played when a female character is hurt | table

  • DrownSounds

    Sounds played when a character is drowning | table

  • InjuriesTable

    Defines the text referring to condition that appears when analyzing someone's health | table