
Configuration for Protection Module.



This table defines the default settings for the Protection Module.


  • CarRagdoll

    Determines whether being hit by a car results in ragdolling | boolean

  • OnDamageCharacterSwitchCooldown

    Specifies whether cooldown on character switching is enabled after taking damage | boolean

  • OnDamageCharacterSwitchCooldownTimer

    Sets the cooldown duration (in seconds) on character switching after taking damage | integer

  • SwitchCooldownOnAllEntities

    Specifies whether damage cooldown applies to all entities or just humans. If false, it applies only to humans | boolean

  • CharacterSwitchCooldown

    Indicates whether a cooldown for character switching exists | boolean

  • CharacterSwitchCooldownTimer

    Sets the duration (in seconds) of the character switch cooldown | integer

  • NPCsDropWeapons

    Controls whether NPCs drop weapons upon death | boolean

  • TimeUntilDroppedSWEPRemoved

    Specifies the duration (in seconds) until a dropped SWEP is removed. This pertains to actual SWEPs, not weapon items | integer

  • BlockedCollideEntities

    Lists entities with collisions disabled | table

  • KnownExploits

    Lists known exploits that the protection module is aware of | table

  • HackCommands

    Lists commands available in the hack menu | table

  • HackGlobals

    Lists global variables accessible in the hack menu | table

  • BadCVars

    Lists undesirable console variables that should be monitored or blocked | table

  • ExploitableNetMessages

    Lists exploitable Net Messages that should be monitored or blocked | table

  • ActExploitTimer

    Specifies the duration (in seconds) a player remains unable to deal damage after using an "act" command | integer

  • AltsDisabled

    Whether or not alting is permitted | boolean

  • PassableOnFreeze

    Makes it so that props frozen can be passed through when frozen | boolean

  • CanNotPermaProp

    List of entities restricted from perma propping | table

  • DuplicatorBlackList

    List of entities blocked from the duplicator tool when used by regular players | table

  • RemoverBlockedEntities

    List of entities blocked from the remover tool when used by regular players | table

  • BlackListedProps

    List of props restricted from general spawn | table

  • RestrictedEnts

    List of entities blocked from physgun pick up and proprieties when used by regular players | table

  • RestrictedVehicles

    List of vehicles restricted from general spawn | table

  • PlayerSpawnVehicleDelay

    Delay for spawning a vehicle after the previous one | integer

  • ToolInterval

    ToolGun Usage Cooldown | integer

  • ButtonList

    List of button models to prevent button spamming exploits | table

  • DisableLuaRun

    Weather or not Lilia should prevent lua_run hooks on maps | boolean