
Attributes of the custom faction.



A list of the current fields in the faction.


  • name

    The name of the faction | string

  • desc

    The description of the faction | string

  • color

    The color representing the faction | Color

  • isDefault

    Whether the faction is set as default | boolean

  • models

    The models used by members of the faction | table

  • weapons

    The weapons available to members of the faction | table

  • pay

    The payment amount associated with the faction | integer

  • payTimer

    The timer or schedule for payments | integer

  • limit

    The limit of players in this faction at a given time | integer

  • oneCharOnly

    Whether a player can have only one character in the faction | boolean

  • health

    The default health of players in the faction | integer

  • armor

    The default armor value of players in the faction | integer

  • scale

    The scale affecting the size of the player model | float

  • runSpeed

    The default running speed of players in the faction | float

  • runSpeedMultiplier

    Whether to multiply runSpeed by the default speed | boolean

  • walkSpeed

    The default walking speed of players in the faction | float

  • walkSpeedMultiplier

    Whether to multiply walkSpeed by the default walk speed | boolean

  • jumpPower

    The default jump power of players in the faction | float

  • jumpPowerMultiplier

    Whether to multiply jumpPower by the default jump power | boolean

  • bloodcolor

    The blood color of players in the faction | integer

  • bodyGroups

    The bodygroups for player models upon spawn | table

  • index

    The Unique ID of the faction | integer